International Shipping Info: Ireland

Alcoholic Beverages:  The importation of plants is highly restricted by the Department of Agriculture/Horticulture. The importer must apply for an import license if shipment is acceptable for importation. The shipper must provide an original Phytosanitary certificate. It his highly recommended that shipper and importer check the import restrictions before shipping the goods.


Plants:  The importation of plants is highly restricted by the Department of Agriculture/Horticulture. The importer must apply for an import license if shipment is acceptable for importation. The shipper must provide an original Phytosanitary certificate. It his highly recommended that shipper and importer check the import restrictions before shipping the goods.


Seeds:  The importation of seeds is highly restricted by the Department of Agriculture/Horticulture. The importer must apply for an import license if shipment is acceptable for importation. The shipper must provide an original Phytosanitary Certificate. It his highly recommended that shipper and importer check the import restrictions before shipping the goods.